We’re gearing up for the 15th Annual ARTFeast events. Edible Art Tour is Friday, 2/24 and Pippin Contemporary is paired with ChocolateSmith for delightful truffles and chocolate. Thomas Rheam will be providing music. Our gallery will be an indulgence for the senses; stop by. Hours are from 5-8p, tickets $35/each. There are 41 galleries participating in this fun, fund-raising event. Monies raised by all of the ARTSmart events help supply art supplies for school children and fund art scholarships. View this video of KASA TV’s Nikki Stanzione’s interview with Martine Bertin-Peterson, ARTSmart President and notice that lead-in picture is yours truly – an interior shot of Pippin Contemporary.
Nikki Stanzione of KASA TV interviews Martine Bertin-Peterson, ARTSmart President
LA Art Show Recap
Julia and I (Aleta) headed to Los Angeles on January 17th for the 17th Annual LA Art Show – Contemporary. We were thrilled to be included in this prestigious show and had a fantastic time interacting with art lovers in the vibrant downtown LA Convention Center. Here are some pictures of our booth.
One thing for sure – Pippin Contemporary had the most colorful artwork in the show!
As a result of the show, we developed contacts and added new collectors, while enjoying ourselves.